Stop compulsive behaviors. Start a new life.
Sex & Porn Addiction
Many men find themselves in a compulsive cycle when it comes to sex and pornography. It can be difficult to differentiate between what is a natural drive and what is compulsive behavior. Therapy offers a chance to gain clarity on what is healthy versus compulsive sexuality. We offer counseling for individuals, couples and groups as well as a Virtual Intensive Outpatient Sex Addiction program.
Sex Addiction Groups for Men
Facing the Shadow - Men's Recovery Group
Facing the Shadow is a group of up to 8 men who meet weekly to work through the 7 Tasks of Recovery from Sexual Addiction. Groups are ongoing so clients are free to join anytime.
Tools to Stop
Participants will gain tools that can stop their unwanted compulsive behaviors so they can reclaim their lives and win back the trust of their loved ones. Over the course of the group participants will dismantle their addiction one piece at a time. Stopping sexual compulsivity is the first step to healing how the brain has been damaged by pornography and sexual acting out.
Reduce Shame
Many men think that if only they felt enough shame they would stop their behavior. But, that is simply not true. Paradoxically, it is the experience of acceptance in the midst of failure that leads to long lasting change. By taking risks to share honestly in a group those struggling with addiction can reduce the toxic shame that leads them to act out.
Inside every person who struggles with addiction is a lobbyist whose special interest is the addiction. The lobbyist works against the individual's best interest in the form of distorted thinking patterns. The group setting exposes the lobbyist and the distorted thinking patterns that keep the addiction in place.
Foundational Change
For most, addiction grew out of our first group experience: our family. Like the grooves in river beds our family experiences washed over us and created deep grooves in our being. Some of the grooves may have been helpful but other grooves led us to addiction. Fortunate for us the part of the brain that deals with emotional/relational intelligence can be reshaped. Because we were shaped in a group experience it is through a group experience we can be reshaped.
Facing the Shadow Intensive is designed to get to a freedom plan in weeks rather than months. The intensive is the equivalent of 3 months of traditional therapy but done in 4-6 weeks. The 7 Tasks of Recovery frames the six 1.5 hour sessions (or 9 1hr sessions) so that you can find freedom and integrity without delay.
Facing the Shadow Intensive
Tools to Stop
You will gain tools that can stop unwanted compulsive behaviors so you can reclaim your life and win back the trust of loved ones. Through the intensive you will learn to dismantle your addiction one piece at a time. Stopping sexual compulsivity is the first step to healing how the brain has been damaged by pornography and sexual acting out.
A Plan to Replace
Many people think that if they only stop the compulsive behavior that their life will automatically change. That is partially true. The key to long-lasting recovery and freedom is to be as thoughtful on how you will replace your destructive behaviors as stopping them.
Set A Solid Foundation for Core Change
Often it is broken thinking that perpetuates the destructive cycles. Broken thinking can even sabotage the recovery process itself. It is critical to identify and get in front of any self sabotage. In the Facing the Shadow Intensive you will identify broken thinking patterns and replace them with life producing thinking. We will also identify any wounds from the past or other experiences that may need to be resolved for deep change to take place.
Restoration from Betrayal and Affairs. Betrayal from an affair can be one of the most heart-wrenching and disorienting experiences for a partner or spouse. There is a way to heal. Maybe you are not even sure you want to. Wherever you and your partner may be, we can offer a compassionate presence and a way forward.
Couples Counseling
The Teen Recovery Program is a 10-week program for young men that involves weekly group meetings, individual sessions and a parent seminar. Teens will cover the 7 tasks of Recovery from Pornography or Sexual Addiction.